The Quadstar Foundation


When I heard the news about Student Finance Wales, it would have been easy to give up hope. But I had come so far that I knew I just had to make it work. So I contacted my local MP and member of the Senedd, who both sympathised with me and did everything they personally could to resolve the situation with Student Finance Wales. Unfortunately this was still to no avail, and we made a joint decision that the best route forward was to seek alternative funding sources.

I made a large list of charitable organisations that had been known to sponsor individuals in the past, particularly for education. I then researched and proceeded to send personalised emails to each charity, in the hopes of an offer of help or advice. Fortunately a man named Nick Butcher, founder of the Quadstar Charitable Foundation, was kind enough to read my story and reply to my email. Out of the hundreds of emails I sent out, this was one of the only replies, so I was incredibly grateful for his interest. 

After meeting him in person, the Quadstar Foundation have actually agreed to grant me the remaining course fees for LFA! This is not only an incredibly kind offer, but a real boost that brings me so much closer to my goal. It means that now I just need to concentrate on living expenses.

I am overwhelmed with the support I have been given this far. The Principals have shown a belief in me as a filmmaker from the start, particularly through their gift of the half-scholarship. Nick has been equally  empathetic and generous. But despite this, I am still a fair way from my goal. 

My hope is for someone to read this and help me to move that little bit closer...
