London Film Academy


14TH APRIL 2023

On 16th September 2022, I took the leap and moved to London, despite still only having half of the living costs that I needed. Four days later, I was finally able to step foot inside London Film Academy. With a huge sigh of relief, it is everything I envisioned it to be.

To recap my first six months in a nutshell, I have been on the school grounds more than anybody else in my year, working hard to build a portfolio as well as a group of lifelong friends. I remind myself every day of the opportunity I have been given and I am determined to make the most of it. 

Firstly, I managed to secure a position as a 'runner' within the school, which has enabled me to earn some money around my studies and also gain insight into how the school works behind the scenes. I particularly enjoy acting as a tour guide for potential new students and being able to share my encouragement with nervous applicants. 

The most exciting aspect of the BA course so far has been the production of 'FP1s', a process that challenged us to create 10 micro short films in 10 days. This gave me the opportunity to experience a plethora of film set roles within a short but intense period. It taught me skills such as how to schedule a pre-production process, how to manage a crew effectively, and how to shoot on 16mm film.

Subsequent to this experience, we were granted free access to the school's equipment, and I was keen to be the first in my year to take advantage of this. I brought together a small crew of friends from my course and actors from Tring, hired the equipment, and used it to shoot a 5 minute short film that I had written. I was able to direct the film in early April and it is now in post-production.

In addition to all this, I have kept myself busy entering writing competitions and attending masterclasses around the area. My most recent solo project was writing a sitcom pilot that I hope to get produced one day. 
