My Story

14TH JULY 2022


My name is Max Burton, I'm 19 years old, and I live in Cwmbran, South Wales.

I live with my mum and my two younger brothers in a low income household.

Growing up in a state-funded school I had no exposure to the film industry whatsoever. In fact, all I had was a Sony Cybershot digital camera that I had won in a competition at the age of 5. Using this, my little brothers and I would film silly short videos in our bedroom, and premiere them on the TV for my mum. Coupled with a love of acting, at 16 my creativity enabled me to obtain a sixth form place at Tring Park school. It was here that I was encouraged to explore the world of filmmaking, and found that I had a real flare for cinematic storytelling. 

Fast forward 3 years, and my heart is set on making movies.

But how do you get into the industry? After speaking to several filmmakers, they all say the same thing: "You have to know someone". Well, there lies my disadvantage. I didn't even know of anyone in the film industry. Somehow, I needed to create a way in! I began shooting comedy clips and short films, wrote monologues and created a web series- absolutely anything I could do to compile a small portfolio (which can be viewed in another blog). I reached out to production companies asking for work experience, phoned successful editors asking for advice, applied to BFI courses and ultimately did everything possible with no money. Thankfully these efforts paid off.

In 2021 I was fortunate enough to be awarded a place on the BA Filmmaking course at London Film Academy, one of the top Film Schools in the UK! To say I was ecstatic would be an understatement.  I was over the moon that my hard work had been recognised. The school claim that 95% of graduates go straight into the industry, and so I knew it was the perfect place to kickstart my filmmaking journey. There was only one problem: the fees stood at a staggering £39,000.

The only way I could possibly attend this Film School was to achieve the seemingly impossible. London Film Academy (LFA) offer two means-based half-scholarships every year. These reduce the fees to £19,500, which could be tackled more realistically with a student loan. Thus, I began to put all of my effort into applying for the half-scholarship. Unfortunately, shortly down the line, I found out I had been unsuccessful. What's more, LFA weren't actually affiliated with Student Finance Wales, meaning I would not be able to get a student loan that year. I was heartbroken to say the least. LFA had become my chance to 'know someone'; to get to London and meet people who were as invested in filmmaking as I am. I was disappointed to have to take a gap year. But I was not prepared to give up.

I paid to defer my place until September 2022, and decided I would come back a year later with a plethora of new filmmaking experiences, short films and a brand new scholarship application, showing just how determined I was to attend LFA. A year later I did just that. I hadn't stopped thinking about it. I wrote a new scholarship letter, compiled some references and a personal statement, and sent in my application. Soon after, I received a call from LFA to inform me that I had been successful, and the scholarship was mine! My drive had paid off!

Or so I thought.

Fast forward to last week. I'm sitting on my bed looking at student accommodation and wondering how, even with student finance, I will ever be able to afford a £240/week bedroom with a shared kitchen. I join a call with LFA to discuss their progress on affiliating with Student Finance Wales. They tell me six words that completely destroy me: "It won't be possible this year". On a personal level they are one hundred percent behind me, but on a business level, they simply cannot justify the cost of the process for one Welsh student. 

So here is my reason for creating this blog. To do something. Anything. And I will keep doing anything it takes until I make it to London Film Academy. 

I am touched by the amount of support and encouragement I have been shown by my community to even get to this point. Those of you that know me well will know that I am determined but also grounded and considerate. One day I will pay it forward to someone who needs it as much as I do now.

Please take a look at my film portfolio on the next page, and share with anybody you think may be able to help in any way! 
